For our first real "Post" of 2011, I want to say that we ARE STILL HERE! ;>) The latter part of 2010 saw us with illness and surgery for both me and Spencer's family. I am recovered for the most part from my December surgery and am back in the game. So we are looking at the realities of the economy, potential cases and our ability to do good research work.
Priorities for 2011; 2 to 3 serious outdoor research cases as "must-hunt" objectives, testing new equipment and monthly local hunts to keep our edge up. The goal, in this economy, is simply to keep things going and still do unique work. We have acquired metal detectors for research work and will tie these into our ghost hunting where possible. We will save enough $$$ for one east-coast flight to do a case somewhere out there (likely New York) and finally, to get back into our radio show with new energy.
The Radio shows are going to stick with the Friday ITC experiments and readings with the mediumship taking center-stage and then interviews and show-casing other groups on Sundays on BlogTalkRadio and other radio venues. Now that I'm feeling better, look out ;>)