Wednesday, September 21, 2016

Mist captured at the Truckee Hotel during an investigation
So - How to proceed with a newly regenerated GRI web site? I haven't even got a team! (Note: As of today - Sept 22nd, we have a team - The old gang are all wanting to come back on-line and we are meeting in early October to map out the game plan! We're in business!)

I would guess that the best action is to pull in some of the older web site and look at cases we did and bring it back from the dead, so to speak ;>) And then to put feelers out and perhaps run some daytime EVP sets to get back my feel for how this all works. - Note: As of 9/22, I discovered that the old site lives on. I have placed the link for this on the right hand menu!)

The Paranormal is nothing to be trifled with and it is best to walk carefully into it. We used to do multiple investigations a month and I no longer think that is a wise thing. An investigation takes a lot out of investigators and it is something that has to be planned out and the people who do the work need to be prepared and ready for anything.

Site of a recent paranormal experience
I know one thing, I've had some really good experiences and more than my share of bad ones in this business, so the goal is to keep it light and have fun while doing something helpful for the Other Side. It is going to be something I will feel my way through.

Note - We did do something of a recent investigation with a trip into Nevada to examine an ancient site that had me experience a face to face encounter with an apparition for all of 1 or 2 seconds. What I saw was like half a person, split down the middle and it appeared to be an American Indian. I was NOT expecting to see such a thing as we were not investigating in the paranormal sense, but it really got my attention and I want to return to the site to do a night-time investigation with the full suite of gear to see what we capture.

Go GRI - We're back!


  1. Sign me up for lunch and to work behind the scenes or to recon.

  2. Scott Wise here. Looking forward to being part of Team Ghost Rider Investigations
