Wednesday, September 21, 2016

Mist captured at the Truckee Hotel during an investigation
So - How to proceed with a newly regenerated GRI web site? I haven't even got a team! (Note: As of today - Sept 22nd, we have a team - The old gang are all wanting to come back on-line and we are meeting in early October to map out the game plan! We're in business!)

I would guess that the best action is to pull in some of the older web site and look at cases we did and bring it back from the dead, so to speak ;>) And then to put feelers out and perhaps run some daytime EVP sets to get back my feel for how this all works. - Note: As of 9/22, I discovered that the old site lives on. I have placed the link for this on the right hand menu!)

The Paranormal is nothing to be trifled with and it is best to walk carefully into it. We used to do multiple investigations a month and I no longer think that is a wise thing. An investigation takes a lot out of investigators and it is something that has to be planned out and the people who do the work need to be prepared and ready for anything.

Site of a recent paranormal experience
I know one thing, I've had some really good experiences and more than my share of bad ones in this business, so the goal is to keep it light and have fun while doing something helpful for the Other Side. It is going to be something I will feel my way through.

Note - We did do something of a recent investigation with a trip into Nevada to examine an ancient site that had me experience a face to face encounter with an apparition for all of 1 or 2 seconds. What I saw was like half a person, split down the middle and it appeared to be an American Indian. I was NOT expecting to see such a thing as we were not investigating in the paranormal sense, but it really got my attention and I want to return to the site to do a night-time investigation with the full suite of gear to see what we capture.

Go GRI - We're back!
Ryan Bueller
So sad to see Ryan Buell of Parnormal State arrested on fraud charges. The paranormal field is one I had worked with for awhile and I witnessed many genuine phenomena in person and enjoyed myself immensely during my years working cases in the field. I became disillusioned with it when I saw the number of people who were viewing it as a money-making operation over and above the spiritual and genuinely emotional and often tragic nature of haunts.

The same feelings and observations apply to aspects of mediums operating out there in the world today and who attract a huge following and who are mostly in it for the money over and above all else.

Paranormal phenomena, ghosts, spirits and mediumship are areas where keeping a *balance* is important. The Other Side is very real and keeping your perspective about living your LIFE on this side is what is important while acknowledging that those on the other side *occasionally* can make their thoughts known to benefit us and help us as we stumble through life. It is perfectly Ok to make your living in these fields as long as you maintain the balance and to not lose perspective.

What Ryan is accused of is something that is all too common in the field and it gives genuine and ethical Paranormal investigators and Mediums the world over a black eye.

I still do an occasional investigation and have kept up with mediumship which is important to me, but I have learned that to turn a legitimately God-Given gift into something it was never meant to be is truly tragic. There are ethical mediums I have run into out there who are absolutely the real deal and then others who are... without a doubt... fakes. The same applies to paranormal investigation teams. The truly ethical ones are often the least attention seeking and who really live their craft for the thrill of working with the unseen and unknown. I've been working on getting back into my groove with my own gifts and always endeavor to keep both feet on the ground and remember who it all comes from - The Big Guy upstairs...

I sincerely hope Ryan finds his way back to even ground and hope the entire Paranormal and Mediumship fields takes notice and begin to self-regulate and hold high ethical standards in the forefront or we will lose the good will and progress granted so kindly by the public over this past 12 years or so since the field really took off.

Our little site is back online!

I have been occupied for some time with family matters and have not kept up with events in the paranormal or mediumship communities for sometime now.

And I even let my website go but had a change of heart and couldn't bear to see my domain end up in the trash heap and decided I valued my past work in this business enough to do something about getting it all back together.

So, earlier this summer I did get the bulk of the web site back and will use pieces of that on this new site to host content and evidence from investigations of the past as well as those of the future.

I've been busy in the twilight of a career in Aerospace and I have moved on to plan the next phase of my career. I'm still working this all out, but GRI will be a part of it somehow. 

I've updated a lot of my tech and plan to use it for field work. I have heavily invested in drone technology and see that getting good use in the field with paranormal work. So expect to see this used in the near future.

My mediumship work is also recommencing - I'm working on my daily meditations and getting my edge back. So far, I am feeling very good about it all and will start readings soon enough. I'm still not sure if I'll do a radio show again or not, but I'm open to the possibility.

So - That puts GRI back into operation sometime in early 2017 and we'll be posting more here as I figure out what to do.

Wednesday, November 18, 2015

View from my seat while flying close-air formation in 2015
So much change has happened in the last few years I can't even begin to comprehend it all.

For one, it's clear to me now, more than ever, change is the absolute rule for life in the 21st Century and one must either adapt to the torrent of changes or be swept away by it.

When I first began my paranormal career in 2006, little did I know that life was I knew it would be upended and people I cared about would soon leave this world or would move away to parts unseen, or, with how terrible the economy is, would lose their jobs and move out of my life.

Holding on to what matters is what counts. With Ghost Rider Investigations, I was witness to many, and I mean MANY inexplicable phenomena and direct face-offs with the unknown and the paranormal. From my own haunted ranch to graveyards to mineshafts and haunted aircraft carriers, I saw and experienced much.

I also made plenty of mistakes. Huge ones. Missteps with people, coming face to face with my own personal failings. I had clashes with local paranormal personalities, some with incredible egos and others who felt that there was "turf" to protect, which mystified me beyond belief.

Successes occurred too with formation of a research team and then a paranormal radio show with a large media following and even an appearance on SyFy Channel's "Haunted Highways" show. Things seemed to be going Ok.

Except it wasn't. In fact, I was sick of the entire thing. Many of you know I'm a medium and I began to understand that tripping around sites bothering ghosts who ordinarily don't even want our help was something I eventually began to abhor and I wanted to change things. But first, with the death of my father in early 2012, I needed time off and lots of it.

Couple that with people issues on the teams, constant health issues with family and not enough hours in the day to get it all done and I was done. I walked away from it all and re-assessed everything.

In the end, I feel it was a necessary move and it likely saved my life a lot of grief and pointed me the right way. The Spirit World felt the same way too. Until now... The promptings are back again and I know they want me back in the game. So...

The ensuing 3 years has been enough time. I recently dusted off my britches and have spent the last few years doing things like flying combat flights against Top Gun and Red Flag pilots over the desert in Southern California and designing a new Youtube channel series for homesteading and projects for the ranch. Paranormal missions are beginning to happen again and I'm slowly getting back to field work, but only to help a family understand what they are running into or... to help somehow to correct a situation that needs it. The paranormal world is not a novelty. It's a place filled with spirits who need understanding and compassion. They are not entertainment. And I'll tick off a lot of people when I say that and it's my truth and I have to live it.

"Be the example" is the wise lesson that sages and leaders speak of when they want to make things better. And so it shall be with GRI. No more "entertainment" missions or being in a place poking at spirits because it's "something to do". Missions need purpose and to bring  healing and positive outcomes for all.

So, I've taken the drastic step of turning off the old GRI site for now. And no, I'm not getting rid of all of the content. In fact, I'm redoing the entire site and integrating all the old content to merge into a new web site and to take advantage of my hard-won education on video production, writing and a lifetime of mediumship and field research. So GRI will be back, in a new form and better than ever.

We've done one mission this year and are beginning to plan new ones for early 2016. I'll be posting news here regularly as a result of all of this and hope you to see you all along for the ride!

Saturday, February 16, 2013

What a year it has been! My father passed away in late February of 2012 and it has been a heck of a ride ever since. GRI has done a couple of investigations and I made an appearance on the SyFy Channel series "Haunted Highway" with my EVP capture of the little boy in the haunted Pioneer Cemetery in Coloma. But, with a mother who has had her health challenges for the past year, I've had to hang it up for awhile until now.

So we're back in the market for a new case and I'm aiming for a March 2013 return to service for GRI. We are coming back in with our regular collection of gear, which remains considerable with advanced EVP systems, infrared video capture and our collection of Ovilus 1, PX and the new "X" version. I'm rounding out the collection with EM Pods and a brand new capability that will test our ability to reach areas we normally can't get into with the introduction of a DJI Phantom quadcopter to fly a camera and EVP recorder into a difficult location and collect data and then return home. With first-person view (meaning the pilot can see television from the quadcopter while flying, we have a really amazing ability to collect data that would otherwise be out of reach.

I have noted, with some wry humor, that our quadcopter model is called a "Phantom" and we'll be out hunting real ghosts with our particular copter. We're in a learning mode with this device, but will be incorporating it into our videos over the coming year. I'm also adding a second quadcopter with hardened case and waterproof features, allowing it to land and take off from water, for more challenging flight environments.

Spirits continue to visit us since my father's passing. I've taken the time off to process Dad's death and have learned a lot from the perspective of a person who deals with dead people in my mediumship and investigation work, but never had a truly "personal" loss until this event. It had forced me to grow and consider things from a perspective I hadn't really ever had to do in the past. So the time off has been valuable and needed, but now, it truly is time to return to work and to incorporate the lessons learned and get back at it.

We want to do more physical cases, outdoors and to tie our cases to historically significant locations. The goals will be to see if we can tie real names and evidence captured to what happened in history and see if we can learn anything from the encounters that may increase understanding of past events.

This is not to say we won't do indoor investigations. We most certainly will, but I'd like to emphasize that, after experiencing the death of a loved one this year, that life is for living and in our pursuit of communication with dead folks, we also remember that WE are still alive and to enjoy the gift of our living to the fullest while pursuing the paranormal.

The radio show has been off and on for the past year. I did not have the heart to pursue it regularly and am now ready to resume my normal schedule. We will be doing mediumship and on-air EVP once again...

It is good to be back everyone... Now to go find a case to do for March!

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

It has been awhile!

Current News as of late February 2012

We're scoping out some cases in the Northern California area for Spring of 2012. A daytime investigation and potential night-investigation are in the works. We'll update this post when we have more concrete dates and times. This will be a four-person investigation - less is more with investigating. Experienced investigators welcome. Contact us here and we'll post more information soon...

Web Site

The old web site is being refitted and we are moving to a new portal soon.  The new site will be up by the end of March 2012.

Friday, August 26, 2011

Energy shifts ;>)

We are back in the game folks!

New case in September will test our skills to the max and we're hitting a very large facility to check for the activity that is being reported by the occupant.

Meeting is on September 10th at Mimis in Folsom at 12:00 noon to go over the core parts of the case, but we'll hold off in specifics to keep the investigation "pure". This will allow the evidence to speak for us and not the past filtering through expectations.

It feels good to have a working team again! We'll be operating in a very loose and fun fashion. The September 10th meeting is a safety meeting to go over procedures and to see who will be stepping into what role when we get to the site. We'll go over how to set up for the investigation, times and events for the evening's progression and responsibilities at breakdown of the gear and evidence analysis.

See you guys there! GRI lives!